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Awareness Through Movement® Classes

One-on-one Classes

In Person or online via Zoom

Explore the panoply of lessons created by Moshe Feldenkrais!

60 minute lessons

Personalized to address you own interests/needs

Flexible times that suit your schedule

Convenient payment option via Paypal:

  $25/lesson                    $150/7 lessons

                                          (discount option)

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​© 2024 by Cynthia Dunafon. Created with

The following are service marks or certification marks of the Feldenkrais Guild of North America: Feldenkrais® , Feldenkrais Method® , Functional Integration® , Awareness Through Movement® , ATM® , FI® , Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher® , and Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner®.

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